
A Song of Liberation from The Ancient Ones

A Song of Liberation
The Ancient Ones

Creation Songs

Creation Songs

These heart songs from Gaia and the Cosmos come in support of the new myth emerging; the awakening of consciousness from the dream of matter, form and separation.

The celestial sounds of these songs catalyse sacred remembrance of our star codings.  They create a deep yearning to awaken and become the embodiment of love.

Click here for the live recordings

Prayer Seeds

Prayer Seeds

In deep listening we connect to the breath of life.
Patience gives birth to presence,
And quiet stillness whispers a welcoming call home.

With gifts offered by Mother Ocean, these mandalas were created in the flow of meditation, prayer and song.

Click here for Mandalas

Sacred Sharings

Sacred Sharings

is a collection of miraculous healing stories, curated over 8 years, with 92 people from 21 countries.

explores 55 of these stories, and the 7 essential keys to self healing, that they all share in common.

Based in appreciative inquiry and compassionate listening, this book is a testament to people’s courage and passion to live life fully and awaken to their true spiritual nature.

To listen to a podcast about the project click here.

To purchase the book click here.