Darius Barazandeh founder and CEO of You Wealth Revolution, a daily online summit, reaching over 6 million followers in 190 countries.

In the past, there was this closed energy around my heart and I did not know how to heal it. Today, there is a peace inside that feels deeper then anything I have felt before. I am saturated in your loving energy and beautiful voice. I felt I was being cradled in Gaia’s womb.

Lisa, Colorado

Each time, I feel loved, seen, hugged and understood.  I have never experienced that before. I feel like a greater power actually sees me and has only love and deep compassion for me and for the journey that I have chosen this lifetime.

Sunita, India

Thank you for showing me the path to calm my body, mind and soul. I feel peace, freedom, clear breathing and release.

Dr. F.G. USA

I feel a great resonance with your approach, your very deep insights and wisdom. Your singing moved me out of my comfort zone, going deeper in the shadows. Opening and accepting the truth of what you are sharing. Its not easy but necessary and emotions came out and synchronicity followed right after.

Sylvain, France

Danielle’s mission of sharing and working with unconditional love results in my constant development as a better human being, as well as guiding me toward fulfilling my true destiny. There is no greater gift than that.

Bonnie, USA

My paradigm of shame and suffering is shifting. I feel lighter. I’m suddenly able to feel love energy towards myself. For me, it is a huge opening up of my heart.

Lisa, Spain

The session felt so authentic and deep to me – feelings that I had no idea were even in me, came in. Most of all, I felt the love that surrounded me and still surrounds me now. My gratitude for your guidance and help. I especially appreciate that you are able to create a compassionate, kind, and non-judgmental space. It felt so safe and liberating to me. Thank you so much!

Yen Chou, USA

Danielle’s loving spirituality and her immense psychic gifts are difficult to describe and impossible to forget once experienced.

Susan, USA

I am taken on the waves of unconditional love to realms previously forgotten but now remembered. It was yet another tearful journey, but tears of joy and remembrance. I can’t thank you enough for what you bring forth.

Colin, S. Africa

Since working together, I have steadily felt an increase in my inner strength and determination to shift my life to a masterpiece of Love and Joy instead of one of pain and victimhood.

Patrice, USA

Danielle is a very gifted and precious healer. I highly recommend her to everyone who wants to get to a new level of being and understanding the world around, you’ll never be the same again!

Valerie, France

I was blown away, I have never heard singing like it. It was otherworldly, feminine, very ancient and incredibly wise.  My heart practically exploded it was so strong. In the following few days I noticed changes in my body that confirmed the work.

April, Ireland

I am so grateful, because my physical pain has left me. My hip feels so very well now and my spirit too. I feel very happy and free.

Helena, Holland